I feel much happier shutting down these freaks than saying nothing.
I feel much happier shutting down these freaks than saying nothing.
I try to do my part. I’m the kind of person that regularly and mercilessly calls people out in person whenever they are being an asshole and it’s quite effective. I have a low tolerance for bullshit.
However, over voice chat these sexist f##ktwads hardly give a shit. I usually get a few ‘thank you’s from female…
Ok. Seriously considering booking tickets to Japan to play this game.
I f***ing hate sniper mains with a passion of 1000 ardent suns.
HOWEVER, there are people who take reading People at the dentist’s office very serously and should, by all means of the measure, be considered ‘avid readers’ regardless of the material they are consuming.
I expect a full wall-of-text report on my desk tomorrow
HAHAHA! I knew something was familiar about her outfit!
DSPStanky: an appropriately humble person considering their skill. It takes a lot to not only silence the ubiquitous internet shit-talkers, but to gain them as your fans in one fell swoop? Mad respect.
I wish the best for him regardless of his endeavours.
What? No Bottersnike?
I have ZERO sympathy for cheaters. It’s called Pokémon GO because they wanted you to get outside and explore! I saw these two chicks riding the trolley in my city and they were wondering where the stop for the park was. I gave them brief directions and suggested some other good spots downtown to check out. They were…
I feel like this is your typical service industry hospitality. These women could easily be your server/cocktail/bartender/etc. except they’re applying that attitude towards their hobby/passion. It makes so much sense.
You win the internet. #GetThePayload
unless you want to buy an expensive memory card, I imagine you’d run out of space rather quickly
What you’re looking for is definitely Synthwave and not the schlock that is Vaporwave.
Easily one of the best features on the site! From the curation to your radio voice, A+ show. Thank you for all your hard work!
Leo! Back at it with the timely wisdom. I’m going to eat some “chips” now.
Blast Corps
Did you read the article. All that is explained