House Milkshaker of Daftbollocks

That person is full of crap. Scotland has some pretty bad fucking racism. Signed, black person that used to live there and got stared at on her magical little island.

Take a trip to Glasgow where you’ll definitively see it. Or Ayr, which is closer to where you are.

So far ten families, but more are slated to come. Bear in mind it is a small island and there isn’t much spare housing.

I don’t know who lied to you (Jesse?), but writing letters and sleeping on a floor 30 years ago doesn’t make you beyond critique and sure as shit doesn’t mean you are no longer capable of saying and doing racist things.

I’m not trying to attack you but have a conversation. If you and I grew up side by side, our perceptions of society would be different because of the race difference. It is so painful to live in “liberal” areas where “racism doesn’t exist” and still experience discrimination on a daily basis. To watch my beautiful

A good friend of mine says “You find me someone who says racism doesn’t exist, I find you a racist. “

“I have women friends so, I get it. I even married a woman. I did once hear someone call a woman a ‘cunt’ and it was shocking to me. But just once. So, when I hear this sexist story it’s very surprising and confusing.”

Imagine how people here would respond if everytime there was an article about sexism a slew of men piped up to note how shocking and confusing they find it all to be as they grew up in a world of gender equality and don’t hang out with sexists and never hear people make sexist comments.

“But I was raised in a multicultural community, married into a not racist family and don’t have racist friends. I have heard a white person use the “n word” exactly once (a lawyer talking about his own client!!) and was so shocked that I was literally speechless.”

I agree. But I also don’t think white people should derail conversations by pretending that they don’t know what the major tropes of racism are.

I would think growing up around that kind of movement would help you understand that prejudice exists. All that activity and music you heard was advocacy? Were you listening?

Knitting banners and serving cake does not employ equality. Would the same ladies be knotting banners and serving cake if their grandchildren decided to marry one of those refugees. (Spoken from someone who went to a birthday party as a ten year old and was told while eating cake by birthday boy’s white mom not to get

But the thing is if you are not a POC you often don’t tune into the racism that is going around. My husband, who is Caucasian, always said he never really saw the existing racism around him until he married me. The racism didn't magically appear, he just denied its existence. Trust me- it exists. I think if more

How much do you want to bet that PoC in your multicultural community have been routinely subjected to racism within that community and thus don’t have the luxury of being shocked when it happens?

It’s not like your on a website that talks about the racism faced by people of color or anything like that.

I’ll never understand why some white people feign surprise whenever other white folk spew some racist bullshit.

Poor fuckin’ Flossie. I love that she doesn’t give two shits about her party, or about being on TV.

That’s a good list.

The hell you say.