House Milkshaker of Daftbollocks

The moment anyone attacks back there is a barrage of “bullying”, “not fair”, “it’s a fix”. Remember that last bit.

Hehe so people are saying “Trump is Hitler” when really he is also Berlusconi; a man who had the SAME plastic surgeon as Putin and Gaddafi. And insists on a filter whenever he goes on TV like some ageing starlet from the 1950s. Trump is also Norma Desmond. He thinks everyone is stupid for not seeing his brilliance.

Bwah. Well, quite. :) Nobody knows dick all around these parts about France.

breitbart/alt-right connection

Like a sad, grieving quiet before a storm of blame.

“The other kids were mean, and they booed my friend Mike”.

Same with names. My relative has a noticely Arabic first name. She can shorten it to a gender neutral name popular across the English speaking world. When she said her name was, for example, Amina she didn’t get far. But when she said her name was Ami, no probs.

Not anymore really. They still learn it at school though I think.

the requirement of a photo on a CV

The show is SO ON THE MONEY. I do think Hillary was very like the US Senator in In the Loop. Not knowing technology etc.

LOL I think that all the time “which is true, House of Cards or VEEP?”

Or a dating agency for Trump’s pals. And himself!

registered eight companies in Saudi Arabia during the span of his campaign

extreme misogyny and extreme racism of these guys

She is British, edit - i see she is biracial British-Malaysian.

Benjamin Jealous

Maybe he has a history of mental health issues and people are just looking at the signs. Clearly a lot we don’t know about his guy. I am no fan but he is father to two very small children and for their sake, maybe help is a good thing.

French descendants and immigrants of their African former colonies (Algeria mostly).

If you consider Germany and it’s primarily Turkish Muslim population, Germany and Turkey (and the Ottomans before them) long had good relations, and prior to Erdogan, Turkey was more of a secular democratic society than either Morocco or Algeria.