
Holy shit… here comes OT number 4 between Thunder/Grizzlies

He's definitely not perfect and I don't agree with raising the age limit either. But considering the magnitude of this particular situation and the way it was handled, I still think it's a great way to begin his tenure.

Adam Silver is off to a great start.

WOW why the hell would he foul?! You guys might have just gotten a potentially big break there.

At least Howard's hitting free throws.

He's gonna miss another game winning layup. Just watch.

There's always Mike Woodson


God I love this Rockets-Blazers series. Sooo fucking intense.

Really wasn't a fan of the Bran story at all. But the stuff with the white walkers was a cool surprise! And we got Ser Pounce!

Ha, yeah I typed that wrong.

Pretty disgusting. How the hell did he become the owner of a successful basketball team in the first place?

What a finish

That missed layup by Lin… how do you miss that? At least Harden is playing better.

What royal fuck ups by the Rockets at the end there. My god.

Holy fuck where was the defense? Just gave away the game.

Harden especially. Other than that last layup, he's been waaaaay too quiet.

Lamarcus Aldridge is playing at another level. Again.

Hope I'm doing this right…

Jesus God. That was painfully terrible.