
I'd kind of like to see Rob Corddry do Repilot too.

Yeah that last call on Howard was kind of bullshit.

Rockets fan?

Nah. Magic fan so I'm kinda rooting against Howard, but otherwise doesn't matter other than it's a great game. Spurs are gonna beat whoever wins this series anyway.

Hope we get more of these in this series. On the edge of my seat the last 20 minutes.

Not a fan of the Jaime rape scene at all and I wish we had Belwas. But some fucking awesome scenes from Tyrion and Tywin in here for sure.


Yeah it'll be a 2 part finale.

Yup. It'll be interesting to see how Parks does on its own next week in that 8 PM hour.

Joe Adalian @TVMoJoe

Well at least we finally outrated Parks!

1. Cooperative Polygraphy (A)
2. Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality (A)
3. Geothermal Escapism (A)
4. Introduction to Teaching (A-)
5. Basic Sandwich (A-)
6. VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing (B+)
7. Repilot (B+)
8. Basic Intergluteal Numismatics (B+)
9. Basic Story (B+)
10. Advanced Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (B)

Agreed. As much as I've liked season 5, the show pretty much ended with ITF for me (which was, IMO, the perfect series finale) and everything afterwards is just extra. Season 5, as fun as it was, was just too different from the first 3.

Pretty good finale. Very sweet and fun. Didn't like it nearly as much as 2nd paintball or ITF, but I'd put it right beside the season 1 finale. And that tag was fucking fantastic, even though I kind of was hoping for a small Troy appearance.



Or "You're gonna pull a Dane Cook in one of those three movies he was in about Dane Cook getting laid by accident."

I'd have to say Cooperative Polygraphy. Joke after joke after joke and they landed almost every time. Bondage is up there too because it's probably the best Duncan episode and I absolutely love Duncan.

Ugh, me too. It took enduring Heroic Origins and AITF before I finally saw the light. My season 1-3 rewatch after AITF never felt so sweet.

Whew, thought I was the only one.