
She did a photo of herself dressed up as a target of male-directed fetishism?

This. Yes, they are super annoying. Big Deal.

I don't think it had anything to do with being chaste or being women. It had to do with that annoying voice and repetition they do

I’d much rather him pop up everywhere and be a celebrity for being an astrophysicist and you know, actually doing something with his life rather than seeing more coverage of the Kardashians.

See, I thought the point of science versus religion is that your heroes AREN’T literal gods, and can make small, trivial mistakes without everyone screaming that their life is over.

I love how I know an article is from Jezebel without me even having to check which site it’s from. Also —

That is the usual justification for self defence. The idea is that if it isn’t immediately reactive, the self defender had the option to leave the situation, rather than coming up with a plan and killing them later. In that case it is hardly self defence any more. I don’t think we should broaden the definition of self

Having someone say (fat > thin) is still a body negative statement even if (fat < thin) is the predominant discourse. Your sister is entitled to her own opinion that plus size women are more sexy than straight sized women. It isn’t a definitive truth though.

This website is pretty into body shaming men actually.

And skinny white blonde girls with big tits, and rich white collar people and yadda yadda...blah. I’m done with this for today.

Hm. Or maybe you’re just a size queen, and evidently can’t seem to accept that a) not everyone that has sex with penises needs one that’s huge and b) shaming men for penis size is the same kind of body snark that this very website is a huge champion against. There’s nothing wrong with having preferences for sex,

He should just kill himself, right? I mean being born that way is something to be ashamed of.

That’s rather sad that you would mock this guy for what I’m sure has been a very painful experience.

This is a nice gesture, but people who commit sexual assault already know what they’re doing is wrong, so I’m not sure if it will help. Hopefully I’m wrong.

she was a prisoner in the sense that she cared more about making money than being raped or being “forced” into snorting drugs - she was not a prisoner in the sense that normal people speak of prisoners - a person being held against their will...

Seems to be one of those cases where a rich and famous person starts to lose her riches and fame and proceeds to lash out at others to garner sympathy and get her name back in the press.

You really need to stop using the word “deserves.” It’s beyond gross in this context.

“Deserves” is an odd word choice.