
If being in the minority makes it wrong let’s talk about the metric system... :-P

“Supports” is probably not the right word. In the case of Synology, the community uses their open source headless server, but it breaks after every update and you may be waiting a few days (sometimes weeks!) for a working version.

I can’t believe I am typing this, but... I actually think the Hyundai looks better.

Which is why I wish gopro would give us 720P 240 fps instead of the useless 4K video.

So, I know from experience that emotions run high after a wreck. But I think one day you’ll back at this whole issue and say ‘who gives a fuck’. Honestly, I’ve been riding for a long time with a bunch of other rides.. And not one of us has ever felt the phrase was an asshole thing to say. Everyone actually seems to be

This looks great for Gmail, but the bulk of my email comes in through Outlook because we have O365. It would be great if there was something like this for Outlook as well.

love the gifs + word explanation model this post follows

______Age ______Kinja Handle ______Years Online

As you mention, the Swiss Guard was often hired as mercenaries by other countries. There is an incredibly beautiful and moving memorial in Lucerne, Switzerland depicting a lion with a thorn in its side, that commemorates the Swiss Guards who fell protecting the Tuileries Palace in France during the French Revolution.

Now playing

Either that or I just put on my Tycho collection in WinAmp.

I don’t think that’s ever going to happen. Tesla doesn’t have the experience and scale the major manufacturers do. It’s one thing to make wildly expensive, low-volume novelty cars. Actually delivering mass-market quality at middle-class prices takes a lot more.

Oh, we’re talking about Harley. Excuse me, I thought this was a discussion about motorcycles.

just got my first bike on Friday

In other words, Porsche has a perfectly ordinary European commercial vehicle.

Still one of the fastest in the world.

First, buy new wagons. Send the message to the automakers that there is indeed an American desire for longroofs. The more new wagons they sell, the better they can make the case of bringing over some other choices.

I’m doing my part. Got the wife a new 3-er wagon a few months ago. Shame they only make them AWD and auto, but it truly is a great auto.

The BX TC wasn’t Citroens first foray into rallying, though.