My vote would go to the Corrado which I believe was also based on the Golf platform. I was and still am a huge fan
My vote would go to the Corrado which I believe was also based on the Golf platform. I was and still am a huge fan
In 2001/2002 this car was GODLY. It still retains some of that presence for me and a lot of other people. In hindsight, sure, it’s not the “best looking” modified car around, but in the era of trance, beach vibes, surfing, dialpad Nokia’s, PS2 and Japan the unknown, it was downright badass.
My alfa
I see reports like this and I worry for the future of our country. I realize that sounds so cliched but it's true. I was raised in a solidly middle class family whose standard of living gradually increased as I grew older. Now as an adult, I've still considered myself and my family middle class - maybe upper middle,…
Hey! 99% of Harley's are still on the road!
Maybe you should tell that to Harley.
Problem is the 25,000 will only cover what it costs to keep the harley functional in europe for that year.
Unibody, discs and independent suspension in 1968. Might've been a shock in less civilised parts of the world.
Not sure many people in 1968 were looking for an economical, fun, two door. I know they weren't in the USA at the time. The Neue Klasse 02 series shocked a lot a reviews at the time.
Renault Clio V6
Still just a pass...
PSA: Sometimes people really do hate you for no good reason and through no actions of your own. But if those people…
Halting production of the Volvo Concept Coupe
I'm in Europe (and still in bed, because Christmas holidays), and I can't buy it, because it would cost me many years salary. As would be the case for 99% of Europeans. So don't be so jealous.
And Skynet will also have better rap skills.
Computers will become self aware before Iggy Azalea does
Try to pull something out of the situation you are in. If you can't, then manufacture something fun.
Missing from this article: arrive with wine — a moderately priced bottle will do. Substitute specialty liquor or foodstuff from your hometown if your host is familiar with it.
The most important tip for being a guest? Keep your stay SHORT. The longer you stay, the more of a hassle you're going to be even if you're the perfect guest. It depends on the situation, but I'd say anything more than a week is pushing your luck pretty hard.