Neither... Prime rib is the best option.
Neither... Prime rib is the best option.
Effing idiot. Next time you get sick, don’t get medical attention, that’s all science.
No glove, no love... no exceptions, until a commitment is established along with bilateral STD/HIV testing.
Friggin awesome... gives me some hope humanity is evolving for the better.
More revisionist bullshit... the Confederates were TRAITORS who left Union over slavery...
What happened to his face???
Prejudice and bigotry are taught... More shitty parenting.
Fucking moron... another moron who needs to read the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The flag is not an idol you blindingly follow. It represents infinitely more important principles that are not popular, when exercised in a certain context. The SCOTUS Brown ruling, outlawing segregation, was not supported by a…
Trust fund baby who surrounds himself with gold-diggers...aren’t you living on borrowed time with your drug ravaged heart?
Disgustingly creepy, dirty old man... reminded me of Herbert the Pervert from the Family Guy TV show.
Not a surprise, given Trump’s hostility towards non-English speaking, brown people... even though they are all American citizens.
Guessing women are still second class citizens in the kingdom... who can drive now.
Is birth control really that hard to use, and/or require from the guy?
Quite a few people are destructive/inconsiderate bastards. Need to have stuff behind bullet proof glass, although some turd will probably etch it with graffiti...
Neo Nazis and Confederate sympathizers are traitors... Americans died fighting their ilk in two costly wars.
If certain white Americans are afraid of non-English speaking, underskilled immigrants taking your jobs, you need to get off your lazy/complacent asses. There are plenty of jobs available, especially for agricultural laborers in the US.
I am ashamed and embarrassed as an American... Trump is unstable, be very afraid these next 3.5 years. Especially with North Korea situation. When things come to a head, Trump will probably start a nuclear conflict
Another misogynistic tradition that needs to die... girls have been raped while in these huts.
Islamophobia will tragically claim more victims... this is tantamount to a lynching. My deepest sympathies to the family.
Brunettes are generally hotter than blondes...