Support yourself... friggin deadbeat loser.
Support yourself... friggin deadbeat loser.
Where the hell are the parents??? I would set my kid straight... intolerance and prejudice are unacceptable.
Some people are just scum... guess it’s a show of (white)pride in the age of trump.
Terrorist... part of America’s homegrown terrorist threat. I’m thinking he deserves a long, painful death.
Terrorist scum... Maybe this Neo-nazi trash should learn firsthand the effects of poison gas.
Pioneer... as in those who displaced native people and killed them if they resisted.
Greedy psychopath who became president to enrich himself and his class.
Fucking morons... Hope all the perpetrators pay.
Legislature makes the laws... “King smallhands” needs to take remedial Civics.
A Forever War... if we continue to think the entire country can be pacified.
“New South” my ass... still a shithole region, filled with treason/segregation deniers.
Sessions is from a backward shithole named Alabama... known for racism and poverty. He’s probably jealous he isn’t from such a beautiful, progressive state.
Sounds like abuse of power... long history of tens of thousands of Californian Latinos being illegally deported to Mexico (started in 1930s).
Another murderous bully shows his true colors... a fucking coward.
Trump is sabotaging this country while lining his pockets... Drain the swamp my ass.
Further confirmation the South is overpopulated by ignorant, bigoted morons...
A shame his dad didn’t shoot blanks...
Spicer must be a soulless bastard... to be able to do his “job” with a straight face.
Create infrastructure jobs that last for 50yrs plus... give our service people a raise, rather than wasting billions/trillions on flawed military tech.