
Married 3 times or more... most likely a dumpster fire/douchebag.

Nazi pig... guessing he has a SS uniform in his closet.

When the seas rise and flood the coast... they should erect a monument of infamy to list all the assholes that helped wreak the world.... Trump, Pruitt, Inhofe, etc...

Are the betting sites taking odds on when Trump will be impeached?

WTF!$%#?!? Are Texas voters really so insane that they would vote in such batshit crazy legistlators?

So he didn’t shit himself, after weeks of shitting and vomiting on himself... We should expect more from the POTUS, than just giving a coherent speech.

Yanez = murderer... Castle was following his instructions. Another trigger-happy idiot... wonder if Yanez understands the meaning of “protect and serve.”

Another reason why SC is an under developed shithole, on the Federal dole (more back than it contributes in taxes). Bunch of sedition loving assholes.

So sad and depressing... unless you are pureblood Native American, keep your nativist bullshit/bigotry to yourself.

Jenner is delusional... Republicans have become the party of ideological, religious nutjobs. They are bigots, and Jenner is part of a minority anathema to their world view.

Don’t understand the conservative attraction to nasty douche-bags... Time for Milo to crawl back under the rock he calls home.

Never understood the allure of the Neo-Nazi movement. Didn’t we fight a global warming to rid ourselves of similar filth?

Another embarrassment under Trump... those aircraft personnel should be ashamed of their mistreatment of Abi family.

Fuck you Trump and your Republican sycophants... planning internment camps for Muslim Americans too?:

What a friggin shithole... legalizing rape and child abuse next?

Liar and chief...

I cried... a truly decent/good man who left the country better off than he found it.

Castration with a rusty butter knife covered ethereal ants... this guy is a fucking rapist of a child (his own) and has done it multiple times. If he is not put away, he will rape his daughter or someone else. This sexually predator poses a danger to didaughter/society.

Becton is the victim of “being black while in public.” Since the cop was looking for trouble at a pool party, his attention “magically” gravitated to any/all persons of color. This coupled with predictable response of excessive force.

Thinking 2017 is going to be a bad year for Russia... participating in the murder of women and children in Aleppo has earned the hate of many, well armed individuals.