
I loved it. Currently still playing Kim Kardashian: Hollywood (judge away, I don't care) and I haven't paid a cent. It helps when you're broke and are forced to wait it out. Plus it means it never becomes too much of a time suck since you can only really play for like 15 at any given time before you have to wait

Hey, that's ok. I'll admit, it's taken me a while to actually get good, maybe about half a year. Maybe more.

League is going to be dominating my life until the season is over. Burn some candles and pray to whatever gods will listen, for me? Even if it's C'thulhu.

ROFLMAO. This last week I went back to playing WoW after a 2.5 year hiatus. I made a female Pandaren. In case you don't know what that is, here's a picture. I think they are truly ridiculous, but whatever, it was something new.

All of the pushback against more sensitivity and inclusivity in games can be boiled down to a knee-jerk reaction that gamers have because they feel that games (which are very dear to them, more than just a hobby) are being threatened and criticized.

My little brother posted a pro-gamer gate thing on Facebook the other day and I'm pretty sure he's become/becoming a MRA. :(

props to Stephen Colbert, by the way, for bringing light to something that, to this point, people are only aware of on the Internet.

Okay I did a joke one but my serious one is~

My wife would love that. She loves all that creepy stuff.

You're right, there is more acceptance now, but when I was growing up, not so much. I remember when I was in middle school, and I said I wasn't trying to have a boyfriend because I was focused on school. Everyone then started calling me lesbian and started bullying me for a while and trying to recruit guys to do

She drew an analogy. That's all. She didn't compare historic persecution or any other such nonsense. She drew an analogy. Gaytheist is choosing to take offense where none was given. And again, don't interpret me. I have no idea what constitutes "repping" anything to you, but you have starred scores of my comments here

I work for the government (not federal) and I am so not surprised. I mean, I'm surprised people are using their work computers because seriously, what is wrong with you? but not surprised that they're bored. My job is insanely, cry-face-inducingly busy from about October to May, and then sooooo dead over the summer.

This is how I developed my Jezebel addiction. Congratulations, you guys: you beat porn!!!

I didn't want to be the first one to go to the race comparison, but I'm so glad you did.

My first girlfriend was really amazing in most ways, but she was convinced that I was going to cheat on her because "that's what bisexuals do".

I just don't see how this is any different than heterosexual men refusing to date women because they've had multiple or just one previous sexual partner, as if that makes them impure or less than. In defining your sexuality that way, you are denigrating a large number of women.

I think some of the antipathy towards bisexual people comes from the fact that mildly homophobic people who reluctantly accept that being gay isn't a choice still believe that bisexuals could and should choose to act straight. At least, I know my own mother was more comfortable suspecting and assuming I was gay than

For some they think the women are trying "the lesbian thing" on because men are mean, it's a trend, they're just trying to figure themselves out or aren't fully out of the closet. Some of the women who didn't date my friend were genuinely surprised when she was in a LTR with a woman. Let's face it feelings and

It doesn't matter, don't you know that the gender of your current partner clearly defines you as either gay or straight? Who cares about what you say your sexual orientation is, everyone can clearly look at your relationship and decide for you.

I'm a woman and I disagree, very strongly.