
Good question. Is there real work on job finding assistance? Discrimination against disability and veteran status is a real thing.


It doesn’t. At all. You can instantly tell one apart from flesh if you have even a little experience with both.

I think a lot of LGBTQ people who have played around with “straight” friends have similar stories when things go more public. I do. I don’t entirely disbelieve the defendent because as you said, her story sounds plausible. It’s just a horrible situation all around.

I don’t want to pass judgement and I don’t know all the details of the woman’s life (like, was she a virgin, etc) but I have trouble believing she couldn’t tell the difference between a prosthetic and the real deal.

Those two months contain Christmas, and there’s always Florida...

If only, right? I know just what I’d dress her in.

Former Army girlfriend (current vet spouse) and yeah, you learn very quickly to get over jealousy or let it tear your relationship apart. I’m not gonna stop talking to people with boy parts while he’s deployed and I certainly don’t expect him to segregate himself from the girls in his unit.

Because putting a child in the system is preferable.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. I’d bet a lot that the deluge of hate he got for that drove him to resign. It would take a lot of fear for me to up and quit like that.

I’ll never have a baby, but I’m going to have food coma sex tonight (Vet’s day meal w00tz!) multiple times just to spite her.

This is released on Veteran’s day? This is clearly troll bait, but sure, I’ll bite.

I’m kind of impressed that authorities took any sort of online threat seriously. Maybe they should do that more often? Maybe if they’d fine or jail someone for threatening to “rape your mouth so you can’t scream” (a threat I’ve personally received) some of this would go away?


Seconded on Leia. We need a badass lady Jedi in the movies.

I won’t do scat, watersports, or anything related to bestiality. Oh, and definitely NO BIEBER.

Yeah, I’ll admit, the part that bothers me here is the way Hollywood will use this as vindication for their opinion that things for girls are silly, wastes of money, and in general less important.

Well, continuing the food analogy, what we get every four years is a need for Sushi and being forced to pick between McDonald’s or Burger King.

I’m a serious misanthrope and even I wouldn’t go that far...

I read an article on it once on a D/s website but I couldn’t even begin to find the link/source. Thanks for the compliment, though :)