I desperately want to see him go after ESPN and it’s bullshit cozy relationship with the NFL. God, I need to see the NFL get taken down every peg. I need that in my life.
I desperately want to see him go after ESPN and it’s bullshit cozy relationship with the NFL. God, I need to see the NFL get taken down every peg. I need that in my life.
Bill Simmons and Jeremy Clarkson are switching jobs. Calling it now.
Re: his contract, how likely is it that he has some sort of non-disclosure kind of thing in there? I need a Simmons ESPN hatchet job so, so, so badly. Dude knows where some bodies are buried for sure.
no doubt. we got 33 million in California. By volume, we have got to have the most d-bags. there’s no debate. but this guy, this southerner brought his kids to work one day, like on a normal work day, and in the back corner of the office, he set up a t.v., VCR and threw down a couple of Disney VHS tapes. and had that…
This is one of the things that drives me bananas about Subway. They advertise special sandwiches with specific meat, sauce and veggie combos, then if you order that special sandwich by name, you still have to walk the sandwich maker through exactly what you want on your seemingly pre-defined sandwich.
This one's great — speaking of salesperson incompetence:
Why could that be?
And these entitled fucks think if you go to college you get a good job like they did when they were young, before they destroyed society by doing a bunch of coke and voting for Reagan. "This'll work fine!"
Actually Chris you are the reason why I care about Cars.
The third biggest loser in this sad saga of Top Gear is the wider car media, and the business that surrounds it. Of…
Aaaand now I'm hungry.
Maryland fan, I was at the game last night in Columbus. I have never heard an opposing team's fans so vulgar and vile. Two WVU fans next to us were escorted out by police after continuing to be vulgar and threatening remaining Dayton fans from the last game. My friends in another section sat next to a delightful woman…
Er, your NRA talking point is badly out of date. Crime, particularly violent crime, is down in the UK.
36 year old single guy here. Really glad I didn't get married to someone as cruel. I'm single and alone but being married and having my wife tell me I need to accept her dating other men? is grounds for jumping off a bridge.
If you're trying to get your husband to be something he's not, maybe you're the one who needs therapy.
The MLS cares more about profit than they do about the quality or the growth of the sport in this country and anyone who thinks otherwise, I have a timeshare in Siberia I want to sell you. The structure of the league is absolutely ludicrous and their "plan" of very slow growth does nothing but make sure that owners…
Is this the same professional sports journalism that gets mad because they feel Marshawn Lynch doesn't show them the proper amount of respect?
Asking for a friend.
Holy fuck CP. A 2010 GT (or as I call it, the sad bastard model) is a terrible investment. You get the facelift, but not the Coyote 5.0. The only upside to this is that it has a Tremec transmission, and not the problematic Chinese-made Getrag MT82 on the 2011 and newer models. And the lovely Shelby wheels.
because racism? I dont get your thinking. Even in his current state, hes a golden goose for the Tour.
Am I the only one who thinks Tiger was definitely on the juice when he was still the best in the world? I'm honestly surprised at the amount of people on here who think Woods is clean.