
Daniel is very good but c'mon, Hamilton did not have a walk in the park last season.

Michael, the Publix Supermarket chain (here in the Southeastern US) also employs a lot of high functioning people with mental handicaps. They regularly work as baggers and gather shopping carts, etc. They've been doing this for as long as I can remember (25+ years). I'm not sure if it is a company policy or not,

It would be a hell of a catch if you guys can secure it.

QA is still considered an entry level position at best, and lower than dirt at worst. i hope this changes with all these recent catastrophic launches. if you dont bother to test your game, f'n test it first! if you already QA your game, pay them a living wage and value them, for all this could be prevented!

Funny how so many teams are willing to give this guy a shot, considering how much he is hated by the Publix.

You know how huge this fight is when the announcement generates a lengthy pro-wrestling discussion.

The BBC is a national treasure. It is without a shadow of doubt the best news organization on the planet, likely because it isn't owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Proper Elise replacement anyone? Yes please.

I know but...Emma Watson deserves so much better than Prince Harry.

Don't believe in global warming?

Nope. Imma eat whatever crap I want and die young, because its my fuckin life.

Brian Windhorst-Lena Dunham

Yeah, I mean who even remembers two years ago? You might as well be talking about caveman times. Who was the President in that bygone era? I want to say Calvin Coolidge.

Nope. My IS300 (last produced in 2005) has the lever on the right, but the filler on the left.

Letterman has shown himself capable of conducting some serious interviews over the years when the subject matter dictates it. Obviously, this was just not something where anything faintly resembling seriousness was needed.

That's a lot of words in that post. I'm surprised he was allowed to take Goodell's dick out of his mouth long enough to write them....

Yeah, it's hilarious. This entire scheme is the GOP's free-market alternative to the socialized medicine the Dems were pushing in the 90's-