I kind of like all the women on The Big Bang Theory for how un-newsworthy they all are (at least for the reasons that most celebrities are in the news). They are all on one of the most popular television shows of all time and none seem to exhibit the insane behavior that we've pretty much come to expect from anybody…
It's fixed now! I have to know what the original typo was!
Um. No. It isn't a figure of speech. If I was throwing a party and someone said to me "Oh man! Marco kicked in the door. So glad to see him" I would start hunting Marco's ass down because that means he just broke my door pretending he was Eliot Stabler.
Yeah, your country also does not have an ugly history of slavery, institutional racism, deny indigenous people their lands, taking children away from their birth parents and giving them to the white 'better' people. Wait...are we talking about the US or Australia? I could also go around calling someone in the US a…
It seems ridiculous to have to point this out, but discussion about the dynamics of race or minority or power are typically isolated to one country or culture at a time. There are overarching trends in play worldwide, but something like the subtleties of a single word will almost never translate to another country.…
TKE was the only banned Greek organization at my undergrad institution... apparently, they are a class act across the nation.
I Tube You Tube We Tube
It's always upsetting to learn that dick pics hold little to no power over women.
The eerily accurate texts are fake
It makes it read like she decided to become trans in order to make a new life for herself. Not just presenting herself as she always was.
Nearly every immigrant group has faced hardships. If you truly believe that such hardships are equal to slavery and Jim Crowe, then you have some serious learning to do.
OMG! I can help! Are you in Toronto?? It doesn't matter. First there is an amazing store in Toronto called sexyplusclothing.com and they can special order any dress you see online for wedding dresses, and deliver it to anywhere in Canada. First you must check out the Igigi wedding collection (they have a lace &…
White people are adopting black children hoping that one day it gives them a free pass to say Nigga. No exaggeration. That's how seriously desperate some of them are to use the word.
For what it's worth, Kelly, I thought this was a lovely piece (even if we are all sick of Photoshop).
That requires too much consistency and that's not what the more literal believers are into. The more "Bible is the Word of God" stuff that is out there the more selectively literal they are. They're also falling into a political usage of them and their faith. Either pastors, priests or sections choose what to make…