
Thanks! the more people interested the more I feel like I actually have to do some work on it!

2011 was years ago! it's 2012 now!

I'm in the process of doing one of these engine swaps... Putting a ducati motor into a classic fiat 500 - [www.ducati500.com]

I wonder whether mine will come close by the time I've got the ducati engine in it. www.ducati500.com

Because of all the waves and looks you get, especially if you're 6' tall like me.

The smart roadster / roadster coupe 80-110bhp depending on model. Nicely balanced chassis, a turbo that develops what feels like 90% of the power and a soft top so you can hear the wind noise.

I was sure the term Hackney carriage came from French "haquenee" horses, not Spanish. The london taxi company (and others) seem to be in agreement:

In soviet Russia Chuck Norris is still Chuck Noris, he just calls himself Yakov Smirnoff

Completely different over there - for a start there is no sidewalk! There are many differences in Asian countries, not bad - just different.

They seem to have forgotten to put in any environmental effects... where's the dust? where are the tyre marks? The exhaust flames are laughable...

If I had something like this I'd certainly be tempted to learn to 'drive' properly before uploading a video...

I've just gone and bought my guilty pleasure:

I've just gone and bought my guilty pleasure:

I was quite surprised there was no weinermobile

A quick google for "us air show crash" shows the lack of evidence in your argument...

If I say it enough times the Smart Roadster Coupe will eventually win one of these QOTD/QOTW

@Technolink: Not at all how quark decay works...

@Jagvar: I call shotgun.

@ddhboy: You always have to consider the weakest link in the chain... In this case it's the sensors and recognition software. While clearly they're some of the best around they're still no where near as good as we are.