Problem is all of those have a bad public image, particularly that they’re dangerous or for people who can’t afford cars.
Problem is all of those have a bad public image, particularly that they’re dangerous or for people who can’t afford cars.
That’s a list ordered by ‘digital IQ’ it means Budweiser has the best online marketing team and has nothing to do with preferences or even most consumed.
‘Camp David’ clothes seem to be a huge thing but all that writing just makes grown men look like a toddler.
Couldn’t the Jag have had a pop up spoiler though?
You may’ve missed it, but we drive right hand drive cars...
Don’t be silly, apple would never forget to price gouge...
Is there a fundamental difference between the oil in the US and elsewhere in the world? Because all but one of the cars I’ve ever owned has had a service interval above 10,000 miles. My 330d has 30,000km intervals - about 18,000 miles - which I’ve stuck to (within a few hundred each way) and it’s about to reach…
Cars have to have wheels within the limits of the body. Mudguards are just a loop hole - they’re officially wings.
There’s loads of them. This pic is supposedly from Swindon, but there’s others in Hemal Hempstead and High Wycombe. And they’re just the ones I know of because I used to use them often.
I’m just about to hit 400,000km -250,000 miles - on a 11.5 year old car, before me it was owned by a colleague in sales, but I'm the one who really started bumping up the mileage... 50km each way, then add in a few long distance trips a year and it's easy.
Not that cheap... Paid 86.2/l or ~$2.82/us gallon just a couple of days ago in Luxembourg.
Copper grease on the back of the pads...
Maybe, but that works with humans too...
That’s not all that impressive - Shazam and sound hound can recognise songs from people humming them. Recognising a police siren is no where near as difficult as that, nor as difficult as the spatial analysis they’re doing.
What on earth makes you think anyone notices the sound of a loud bike until it’s almost past them? My duc rattles windows and scares the crap out of pedestrians, but when a mate borrowed it I could barely here it until he was alongside the car...
What about if they started doing the most Jalop of options over there?
Whenever I see statistics with arbitrary it off points it raises a huge red flag.
Just buy mine, shipping isn't even that expensive.