
Honda Accord is the answer. It can be had with luxury kit such as heated & cooled leather seats, and a heated steering wheel. It has a powerful 2 litre turbocharged engine, and a spacious back seat. All of this for less than $40k MSRP and far less than the average new car price! Can anyone else point to heated &

Any current model year Mazda that isn’t the Miata.

the only people thinking kneeling is outdated are the ones STILL clueless on the subject.

1.3 million mile F350, still on the original engine (but replaced turbo several times):


Doesn’t impress me considering I worked for a courier company in the late ‘80s that would get 500-750K out of shittastic Ford Escorts in ~3yrs. Cars will go a zillion miles when you do them all at once (driven in shifts around the clock, they literally never really cooled off. And they did it on ONE engine. Since they

Getting 300,000 km out of an ICE engine is a feat, so we may be looking at FIVE new engines to get the same distance”

Your 35k fuel savings doesnt even cover the gap between the MSRP of a P85 (104k in 2013) and a top trim 2013 prius ($30,005).

Squeaky balljoints on a 4Runner? Shit, that might be the worst 4Runner problem I’ve ever heard of that wasn’t trail damage.

Normal dollies couldn’t get the Tesla off the pedestal this owner keeps it on.

A friend of mine has a Tesla and a pretty elaborate home charging station with solar and batteries. He’s in the tank for Tesla. A few weeks ago it wouldn’t start, and it took literally six days before a towing company could figure out a way to even remove the car from his garage due to the incline and layout, and the

Wallace’s “drilling holes into the tanks of sodium cyanide, hydrochloric acid, yellow chromate, ferrous chloride, and sulfuric acid risked a potential environmental disaster,”


Or a LOT of hotel rooms.

Not bad. But $33K buys a pretty nice used purpose-built RV with a shower.

I still hold out hope that LEO, or at least a suborbital flight above the Karman line, will be available to those with reasonably healthy retirement accounts in 30-40 years. For $50k (or the inflation adjusted equivalent), I think I might be willing to do it. 

Branson experienced brief “zero gravity” because his “spaceship” was falling towards earth just like you would if you jumped out of a plane.

I’m not normally one to knock the writers of this site, I have stupid opinions too, but Eric consistently writes questionable content. It’s getting to the point where I’m going to stop clicking on his articles.

What he did is literally the same thing as what happens in the vomit commit- a parabolic flight path. It was just at higher altitude than in a 747.  Branson experienced brief “zero gravity” because his “spaceship” was falling towards earth just like you would if you jumped out of a plane.

How ever much shade Erik wants to throw on this accomplishment, Virgin Galactic’s ship performed exactly as they planned and expected. In no way did it not achieve what they set out to do yesterday.

So, let’s say one person goes to the Sky Deck of the Willis Tower looks out then goes back down, is that person not allowed to say that they’ve been to the top of the Sears Tower?