
And said to a kid who plays sports:  “Why are you playing with that ball all the time outside, get back inside and study!”

No mention of the Chipmunks xmas song on this list is crazy to me. That song grates on me so badly that it is my truly hated xmas song.

Hot Take:  Wonderful Christmastime is a passable song, and is not anywhere close to as bad as folks make it out to be.

They have a history with mentioning Black Flag and/or Henry Rollins.  Otherwise, it was a generally by the numbers cover.  

Wes Anderson Ken movie?

Accessibility (or a lack thereof at times), hype, tribalism.  Easy ways that these fast food “wars” got into the minds and stomachs of Americans

A link between worlds is basically the same map as LTTP

It’s log, it’s log, it’s better than bad, it’s good

That how many beers it took to come up with that idea?

Missing out on our first meeting with Sabine Schmitz at the Nurburgring (spelling, sorry)

There is no better response.

People are talking like the Super Mario movie has to be the next Citizen Kane to be good and forget that its Mario.  It was fun, enjoyable, light popcorn faire, which is all it had to be.

i’m fairly sure it has less to do with the haircut and more to do with everything else below the neck.

Easy Vegan bar food appetizer that more should do:  Blistered Shishito Peppers.  it’s peppers, oil  and salt, maybe with an easy dipping sauce.  It’s vegan, has the fun bar thing of being a light russian roulette of heat and tasty.

It’s one of the reason’s for FFXIV’s success. Hell, Yoshi-P has even said that its ok to unsub and resub when there’s something you want to do.

Is there a reason you assumed the worst about it? It’s giving without knowing the final recipient, and the recipient receiving without knowing who the original benefactor is. I.e. donations are not a show, it’s something you just do. I.e. I donate to an organization. they give their services to the ultimate recipient,

Way I see it: If you play FE for the tactical gameplay, you’ll enjoy it. If you were looking for more Three Houses, you will probably be disappointed.

I’m enjoying the story for what it is, rather than lamenting what it isn’t.  I do wish certain design choicces were reviewed, but overall i’m happy with the purchase. 

I grew up with the belief that the best charity is when you give anonymously and those that receive, also receive anonymously. That being said, stunts like this bring attention to the issue, and overall it still is plenty of good, both to those who had the surgery and to others becoming aware of the issue.

In the end,

Matt Lucas made me miss Sandi Tosvig. She was a perfect yin to Noel Felding’s Goth himbo Yang.  I hope they get someone in the same vein as Sandi to replace Matt and not another Matt Lucas.

I am in agreeance. I stopped in the one in Florence on a trip to visit family in FL, and while i’m glad I stopped, I don’t see a reason to go out of our way to go there again.  Unless I’m in need of Jerky, they have a literal wall of Jerky.

The clean bathrooms thing though is no joke, they take that shit seriously.

My bad. Anywho, wishing Mike Uyama a very restful vacation.