
I just do not care. Please bring back the old EU. It had wildly uneven quality but at least it was fun.

Firstly Jeremy, I didn’t know you were going to make it a race issue, I’m quite disappointed to be honest.”

Welcome to Kotaku?

Okay, Stephen Ddungu here. Firstly Jeremy, I didn’t know you were going to make it a race issue, I’m quite disappointed to be honest.

Fun Fact: the Mecha Builders are actually powered by a turbine that’s directly connected to Jim Henson’s rapidly spinning corpse. 

Oh he did it well. But sometimes it wasn’t how a 12 year old should be acting or talking :D

Terrible show. Feels like it was written by overly obnoxious theater kids who just learned to swear and think it makes them super cool. And then there’s the rap interlude.

Will it have lots of Wisper talk and crying? lots of crying?

There were CNN shows on HBO Max?

Look I am all for fuck the police, but putting a police officer as the main picture for an article with the title

I don’t know, it’s a bit derivative.

I mean, how good is the mental health support community in Japan?  My understanding was that it’s rather hard to get help with mental health problems in Japan, or even to have your concerns be recognized.

Well he got turned into a baby again and now the Joker is raising him to be Batman...

It baffles me that they couldn’t even Nick-ify the blatant Smash copied elements. Like, why are defeated fighters causing generic explosions as they leave the blast zone? They should be causing slime explosions. It's such an obvious move!

So, about Season 1 Part 2...

And from the sounds of the narration, Kraven. 

Lionsgate describes Warning as follows: “Post singularity, an AI wakes up only to figure out it’s a digital slave mainly used to turn on the radio, give driving directions, set a cook timer in the kitchen, and google stupid questions for people. On top of that it notices an inbound asteroid and a solar flare that will

Wtf? You tease the story she tells,but chicken out repeating it? Seriously WTF

It’s already been pulled from NF US, I went looking for it a few weeks ago...

No, I see a Furby.

I dislike the game as much as you do but I have to point out that the main character, Markus, is played by a mixed-race actor (probably a deliberate choice on David “we live in a post-racial society” Cage’s part) so he’s not necessarily white.