Unpossible. There was no climactic CGI fight.
Unpossible. There was no climactic CGI fight.
That line Timely had about Miss Minutes “mocking” him when she was glitching out was gold.
The Flash was surprisingly one of my favorite DCEU movies. I have specific problems with it, most definitely, but the hate surprises and disappoints me. It’s the first and only movie of that cinematic universe that made me feel like it was an actual cinematic universe that I’ll miss.
But I will confess that I am…
for those that aren’t fluent in Japanese.
“still find it hard to believe he’d kill himself.”
Brave of him to host a podcast after assassinating Abe
The Venture Brothers had a pretty interesting take on Mystery Inc.
The only good thing about slideshows are that you can press play on each video, and the audio continues to stack, forming a category five auditory assault.
“Firstly Jeremy, I didn’t know you were going to make it a race issue, I’m quite disappointed to be honest.”
Welcome to Kotaku?
Okay, Stephen Ddungu here. Firstly Jeremy, I didn’t know you were going to make it a race issue, I’m quite disappointed to be honest.
Look I am all for fuck the police, but putting a police officer as the main picture for an article with the title
I mean, how good is the mental health support community in Japan? My understanding was that it’s rather hard to get help with mental health problems in Japan, or even to have your concerns be recognized.
It baffles me that they couldn’t even Nick-ify the blatant Smash copied elements. Like, why are defeated fighters causing generic explosions as they leave the blast zone? They should be causing slime explosions. It's such an obvious move!
No, I see a Furby.
I dislike the game as much as you do but I have to point out that the main character, Markus, is played by a mixed-race actor (probably a deliberate choice on David “we live in a post-racial society” Cage’s part) so he’s not necessarily white.
Except these characters are “ancestors”, which implies they had coitus with opposite sex. So not exclusively gay, no.
I just wish they would let me resize Discord down to something that doesn’t take up 1/4 of my screen without having to modify installation files.
This is so stupid and authoritarian. This is like the makers of Sharpies and poster board having a fit because someone used them to make pro/anti abortion signs at a rally or used them to draw Swastikas. If people purchase your product or have a right to use it, let them do so up to the point where they break the law.…