
“It’s about teh sherrif and the people, chasing the ghost. That’s it... The lead role isn’t Spawffn, the lead role is a cop, like Sherriff Brody from Jaws.”

Oh, missed that one

That’s not a mod, it comes with the game. It’s called the uninstall feature.

This has been my theory from day 1.

Plus, he adds, if a kid is “dead against” the tracker, that could be a sign that something’s wrong.

The problem with demanding passwords is that A) they end up with two versions of all of their accounts (real/fake) and B) you might be tempted to do something insanely stupid like delete their Facebook profile, delete all the pictures on their phone, post in thier ame to embarrass them or delete their WoW account.

she’s found that “too many parents go in there and delete things or answer people as though they’re the child,”

Someone’s been watching Black Mirror...

We may also finally get a stand alone Silver Surfer movie.

I say yes. It’s probably not quite B:TAS levels of classic but it’s chipping at the heels. And it has a better opening theme.

Life in Aggro pretty much nailed the general pitfalls of RP servers on every MMO since the history of ever.

Enter any RP server, and you’ll encounter the following within the first five minutes:

-The tragic character who is dark and broody in the manner only a teenager can truly achieve, whose backstory includes

what What WHAT?! There are nude photos on the internet?

LOL. If he matches the reports from Behind the Scenes of Suicide Squad then it was inspired casting.

Er, with a couple of those the smile IS intimidating.

Er, with a couple of those the smile IS intimidating.

I was looking forward to someone in the movie saying ‘Boom Tube’ out loud.

I’ll stick with Manu Bennet’s Deathstroke, TYVM.

Once all the names finish rolling down the screen, the film cuts to a scene in what’s presumably Arkham Asylum. Guards are taking headcount on prisoners, with one yelling at Lex Luthor to stop dawdling. Shown from behind, Lex doesn’t budge. A guard goes into the cell, puts a hand on the genius’ shoulder and spins him

Is that glorious Nippon steel, folded over 1000 times being wielded by glorious Nippon steel folded over 1000 times?