

“Hmm, what a clever idea.”

Think it’s safe to say Nerd Rage won.

That last clip triggered me.

That is a beautiful utility knife, holy shit.

That was oddly satisfying.

Oh yeah, animation-wise it’s as clunky as ever.

I’ve never even played this game and I still cringe from the memory of that.

I think they did?


That story wrecked me for like a week.

At some point in the game I’m sure you’ll be prompted to press F to pay respects, so I would assume so.

Columbo as a character was actually scary.

I actually bust out laughing when the swastika popped up.

Live action Bojack Horseman movie or riot.

I didn’t manage to read the whole book, but I remember an interesting side plot about an old blind Japanese guy, whose last sight was the flash of a nuclear bomb, who made an anti-zombie martial art form.

Looks a bit like Tooms from X-Files.

These are all so frighteningly beautiful.