Axes is plural of axis.
Axes is plural of axis.
Also, specifically “Existential Dread”.
The one that messed me up bad just recently was the story, “The Enigma of Amigara Fault”.
I don’t know.
No Chromophore.
That one got me not gonna lie.
How did you manage to avoid cutting yourself on all that edge?
Is that picture trying to emulate this?
For you.
Not gonna lie, Fahrenheit 451 is my favorite book.
Sure it’s nitpicking but, “A quick peak...”
I regret I have but one star to give.
Wew lad, South Park is leagues ahead of family guy.
So what’s the tactical advantage of the chain-linked nipple rings?
I just make myself.
Huh, that’s actually a handy gif.
Unsure if posted already, but obligatory.
I believe I’ve stated this on a previous article a few months back, but apparently, when I was little, I used to scream “Get outta my way!” like Diesel 10 from Thomas and the Magic Railroad.