Immediately after viewing I was underwhelmed. However, after thinking on it for about an hour or so, I realized I actually really enjoyed the movie.
Immediately after viewing I was underwhelmed. However, after thinking on it for about an hour or so, I realized I actually really enjoyed the movie.
The return of CUPID STUPID :D
Is that picture trying to emulate this?
For you.
Not gonna lie, Fahrenheit 451 is my favorite book.
Looks like a painting.
Sure it’s nitpicking but, “A quick peak...”
Darth Jar Jar or GTFO.
I regret I have but one star to give.
Wew lad, South Park is leagues ahead of family guy.
I actually liked FF1 and 2, seeing Doom shooting holes through people in parking lots, and -SPOILER- riding around on a surfboard was amusing.
I feel bad for laughing at this.
Relevant: My favorite episode of Thomas the Tank Engine
Is it a sword?
So what’s the tactical advantage of the chain-linked nipple rings?
Lol even the safe idea.
The Agent Carter episode was well acted.
That file name, my god. That band was my childhood because of Runescape Music Videos.
I just make myself.