dadpool 2099

no, they currently own everything, except maybe the ship designs from next gen through voyager, because that was a weird sticking point years ago and i don’t know why they’d bother to spend the money to solve it. they needed the image of the 1701-D like, twice in a whole season of Picard. but all the characters and

but the thing is a good game is not one that most of its fans can’t grok. if the feature is obscured to the point most players don’t know it’s there, that is arguably a worse screw up than removing the feature.

uhhh i am fully prepared to discount Tom Cruise on balance, just sayin’

exactly. i like trek, i always have to make some allowances for what i don’t like mixed in with what i do, and that’s the same with the new shows. same as it ever was.

i am astounded, much as with discovery, how many people are just determined not to like it unless it gives them the genre/nostalgia equivalent of a full body deep tissue massage. like, it isn’t therapy - that costs real money! it’s an hour of star trek. sometimes it makes me groan - just like all the other shows did

man, you can’t even let this show give you what you want without complaining about it.

i am also entertained by the implicit notion that there is a real future picard, against which this future picard can be judged. it’s a fictional character! people can do whatever they want. maybe i like it (and i do). maybe i don’t like it (not what i would have done with luke!). but not like there is some kind of

i appreciate that you are grappling with your bias(es) against the show. two things might help:

would rather watch On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. it’s great fun. please can we stop making over serious bond movies, please. 

on imdb, she is listed for all the remaining episodes except the next one.

your response to this comment is pretty much how i think of these reviews each week. not clear to me these guys are even watching the show.

i guessed it was him in the trailers and have never before predicted something and still been totally shocked by it. what a terrible way to learn he got to become a starfleet officer. 😢

And yet, I can’t shake the feeling that we’re missing some piece of the puzzle to explain how then became now, something more complicated than simply “time.”

so you’re ignoring the specific example i gave, refusing to give specific examples, and demanding i give specific examples. i think i am going to tap out here, good luck to you!

yeah thank you also for responding and sorry for not getting to the ripley example, because you are so right there. when my son and i watched alien and aliens for the first time, back to back, it was really jarring how different she is.

well i am watching the show, not reading it, and if you meant to refer to the review, i would challenge you to come up with an example and explain why it is “insightful, rigorous” - much as i provided an example for my assessment.

Hmmm, lots to dialogue about here. For example, Captain Jack Sparrow really deteriorated as a character when he went from being savvy (yeah i did that on purpose) to being just goofy af. I don’t even know how many Die Hard movies there are now, but in the three I saw McClane did not change. Nor was he really

Picard was never a social butterfly, but he always had a strong sense of duty, and the idea that he’d abandon a coworker is hard to accept even if he was in shock from leaving his job.

to be fair, even a lot of TNG cast and crew say the first two seasons are “nearly unwatchable” - but i admit to loving them as they are.

no i think the commodore is a vulcan who got turned by those secret romulan folks, which would have been easy after the head of starfleet security read what happened with Control back in the day, and that’s probably why she let the attack on mars happen and probably helped get starfleet to ban synths.