This is the text of the First Amendment, for reference:
This is the text of the First Amendment, for reference:
One of the earliest missions in Far Cry 3 is a forced stealth mission wherein you instantly fail and have to start over if you trip an alarm. Seemed weird for a game in the Far Cry series, well-known for giving the player freedom to complete tasks however they choose. I uninstalled it seconds later, and it baffles me…
Whole article about how violently confronting Nazis is an effective tactic, yet somehow this is your takeaway?
Shut the fuck up
This isn’t a debate. The dock literally and objectively has not bent any systems, regardless of what you claim.
I’m not saying it’s a good defense. I am saying that, objectively, you are wrong about the dock bending systems, because it’s objectively not a thing that has ever happened.
This only way to argue that “handful of people” is incorrect is to point out that it’s actually far more than that.
They were bent in production, but most were bent so slightly that their owners didn’t notice until people started pointing it out. This story is over a year old at this point, how did you never hear this? And how in the world would the dock bend anything? The Switch sits pretty loose in the dock and you’re talking…
A coworker messaged me last week to tell me he just noticed that another coworker’s office name plate was an entirely different style than everyone else’s. We have both worked for this company for five years, he has had that name plate the entire time, and we both have to walk past this office every single day when we…
What does this mean? There are so many good games out for Switch and so many more coming up.
The Switch dock 100% did not bend any systems.
I’ve lived in Indiana and Pennsylvania and getting your card back when you open a tab is just about a 50/50 thing. You make it sound super rare and that’s not the case. It’s common enough to get your card back that I always stand and wait to see if they’re going to hand it back to me, assuming they don’t explicitly…
I would agree with your guess that his three-year plan technically started last year, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they adjusted that timeline given the complete lack of progress they made during the final Honda season.
I don’t know if this is true or not, but I heard he took a $10m pay cut in exchange for the Kimoa sponsorship.
It’s happened before, but only in wildly different contexts.
I’m annoyed by how much they’re pushing their own apps and services, to the detriment of their devices. Most of the HomePod’s voice control features don’t work unless you use Apple Music. I’m on a Spotify family plan so there’s no possible way I could switch to Apple Music (and I wouldn’t even if I could; Spotify is…
They want to keep Goodell for the CBA negotiations, which I think are in 2021. He united the owners during the last round of negotiations and basically fleeced the players.
All of US Soccer and MLS is giant grift designed to funnel money to MLS owners. It is literally nothing more than that. USSF does not give a fuck about getting better or developing talent to trying to one day win the World Cup. All it cares about is profitability of SUM. It’s a decrepit, corrupt shithole that needs to…
The play on which Ryan fumbled seemed like the biggest choke to me, because it was clearly designed for Freeman to feign a block and then run out into the flats, but Ryan totally ignored him...and the defender he left unblocked. It was the perfect play call for 3rd and a long 1, it should have worked perfectly…
Cool Tool’s “What’s in My Bag” feature is a hell of a lot more interesting than Reddit’s everydaycarry sub, where everyone is an IT nerd who inexplicably carries a gun.