
I’ve been told it is more of an Albany gesture anyway.


Well that’s just like your opinion, man.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing, wrong with wanting the best candidate to win the primary. Nor is there a single thing wrong about going through each and every candidate’s closet for skeletons during the primaries either. In fact, I would go so far as to say that is the very purpose of primarying. To not only get

Martin Starr’s character from Party Down must be hella disappointed.

Lighten up, Francois.

They got them at Hardhome Depot, of course.

I swear to God, if your naysaying dampens enthusiasm for my upcoming essay “Hey, I See A Face In There: Door Handles And Keyholes In Modern Cinema”...

And if you condemn a rallying tale of collectivist resistance to the corrupt infrastructure of academia, aren’t you also criticizing the age-old, revered tradition under the Constitution of exercising our First Amendment rights to speak truth to power? I put it to you, Slander! Aren’t you condemning the basic cornerst

Every 7 seconds dot com, according to urban myth.

Tell me less.

Meanwhile, the students at ASU tried to protest ICE. But they couldn’t figure out how else to keep their drinks cold.

I have nothing to add except that a few days ago I amended my moniker to reflect the recent Meghan McCain communiqué. A week from now no one will get this reference and I’ll have to change it again.

You don’t win friends with salad.

Has there ever been a situation in which Trump hasn’t been weird? I’m not even trying to be funny here. The man is simultaneously deeply insecure and wildly narcissistic. He’s unable to read or emulate human emotions or behavior. He’s a lunatic. Him acting weird is his normal.

“Egging a politician here, boss.”

Crimes also spiking in the White House since Trump became president.

Point of order: Jaime and Brienne dealt with three Stark soldiers, making a point that there are wretched people on all sides of a war, and Brienne had to reinforce she was sworn to Catelyn, not the Starks. 

Westeros is a big place, but characters interact regularly and manage to unexpectedly cross paths now and again. Until Tyrion shows up, Daenerys is effectively in a different, parallel series that occasionally interrupts the show you’re watching. (This was my experience with the books as well, where seeing the “DAENERY

Give Me Those! And Those, and Those!