
@Nate the Great - Partners in Kryme had never seen the show or read the comic either - they were read the synopsis of the movie over the phone by their A&R guy and asked to make the lyrics very plot-centric. And as you say, if you only know TMNT from the first movie, the focus is definitely on Raphael. BTW, last

Tina would approve.


They kept saying the musical act was The National, but all I saw was Bryan Cranston fronting a New Order tribute band…

Steamed Hamms?

Jenny from the block is the new black

Umm… you should probably ignore that.

Please, call me Mr. Marshall

Wait, I thought the Lord Humungus was the Ayatollah of Coca-Cola…

They stole my heart and my cat.

Agreed, and very thankful they drew the palm trees out for once - those tend to be rare in Indiana…

Telll ol' Unca Nathaniel….

It was a zucchini - a cucumber would never have the balls to follow through on a plan like that.

Wait…why is Kool Moe Dee wearing a Jar Jar suit?

"We need more 'Bort' license plates in the gift shop. I repeat: we are sold out of 'Bort' license plates."

I salute your deep grasp of completely useless knowledge, sir.

True, but that can be said of anything - the world needs more Tina!

Thought this was an A episode:

I wish I could up-vote this more than once - a perfectly reasoned statement!

"I'm not a zombie-phile; I have a complicated relationship with zombies - they're dangerous, but I love their swagger."