
He thinks he's people!

And now you know…..the rest of the story. Good day!

Hey Nineteen, that's 'Retha Franklin


Whoa - the rare Newswire crossover comment - good show!

I'm gonna suggest that the "potato croquette store in Tokyo" should diversify their offerings a bit to stave off this kind of crisis - perhaps there are other kinds of croquettes they could sell?

Not gonna happen - Marnie Nixon is no longer available.

Larry put me inside his Cadillac,
the chauffeur drove off and we never came back

The rat symbolizes obviousness!

You're very observant.

<shakes head=""> No you won't.

I always thought it was "So hop on your feet" sung all funky-like…

Pronoun trouble

Your brother should be careful - Slowpoke Rodriguez, he have a gun.

Did I mention that I cried?

Katie, looks like you have a pretty valid HR complaint here if you want to pursue it - this doesn't seem like it would be in anybody's job description!

I give this a B+, maybe a B-. Hey, why give it a grade?

I always loved her lists too, so put this together a while back:

Boys are from Mars, girls are from Venus; I've got a Yum Yum, you've got a Penis