I’ve never tried Jet’s--closest one to me doesn’t deliver, and is just enough of a detour after work to not want to pick it up--but nearly half off might be enough to make me.
I’ve never tried Jet’s--closest one to me doesn’t deliver, and is just enough of a detour after work to not want to pick it up--but nearly half off might be enough to make me.
Not credit card rewards, but I know a guy that was doing some renovations at home a few years ago and basically got free gas for a while because he would buy Home Depot gift cards at the grocery store to pay for everything and get fuel discounts with the rewards program there.
What’s actually really funny to me is that I just checked the app, and they have a substitute bacon box for every breakfast sandwich that comes with sausage... even the ones that you can already order with bacon. Like, you can just order a bacon egg and cheese mcgriddle/bagel/biscuit straight from the menu, there’s no…
You can customize it and remove the folded egg, then adding the round egg, but it charges you for it. It’s really infuriating. I like to use the app when I order so there’s no confusion at the drive through, but when I’ve got the urge for a McGriddle I either have to just get over it, or talk to the people at one of…
Now if only they could offer the same option with the round egg on McGriddles.
There’s actually a pretty good reason! The original McMuffin was created when a local franchisee was trying to make a fast food version of Eggs Benedict. He realized Hollandaise was basically a non starter (too messy—same reason the yolk is broken after it’s cracked on the grill) and used the cheese as a stand in.…
The only thing I want from them, in regards to poultry, is to bring back the shredded chicken. It was infinitely better than the diced chicken they use now.
Not to mention, other than change the logo and the name of the app, nothing has actually changed. All the links on the website are still directed to twitter-named links. Hell, even if you go to x.com it redirects you to twitter.com.
Anecdotally, before the Musk takeover and promise to get rid of bots, I had maybe a total of 5 of them start following me in 10 years. Since the “crackdown” I get at least 3 a week.
My adblocker takes care of those, but what really gets me about giz et al. is when you scroll down through the comments, as soon as the header of the next article comes up, the url changes. Sometimes I’ll close the tab prematurely, but when I reopen the closed tab it goes to the new article and I can’t be assed to go…
I need the opposite--Pull up cabinets for the lowers!
NBC almost assuredly will be out of the picture next year. The two struck a deal back in 2019 that allows Disney to buy out the remaining 33% Comcast owns in 2024 with a minimum valuation of Hulu at $27.5 billion.
Honestly, you can sub melted vanilla ice cream in for pretty much any recipe that calls for a creme anglaise (which is basically what it is). How good the final recipe is will mostly just depend on the quality of the ice cream you buy.
I get the instinctive panic over a bad opening weekend, but man, that was a monster weekend for kid-friendly movies. The top-5 combined for over $150 million, and all made over $10 million, and all in their 4th week or newer. The Flash ($55.04, 1st week) led the way, followed by Elemental ($29.6, 1), Spider-Man:…
I know it’s par for the course with horror movies, but I really feel like this would be the case where restraining themselves and not giving the animal supernatural powers could make it so much better. Like, every kill would have to be a drop from above, or a slow crawl to an unsuspecting victim—moving so slow it…
Same thing happened with Infinty War and Endgame—Originally billed as Infinity War Parts One and Two. They just had a much longer time between the re-naming and release date. It also didn’t hurt that they were very publicly filming both at the same time so that the two were always linked in peoples’ minds.
The fact that he was against the GI Joe tie-in is about as sure a sign as any that it was probably a good idea.
Thanks, might have to look into that! Despite my hyperbole, the 9+ is still actually holding up quite well, but I know that likely won’t last much longer.
I actually really like my Galaxy Buds2. I even have two pair, one for home and one for work (I have them in all day at work, and never remembered to bring them to and fro when I had only one). They’re great for having some mobility at work without having to worry about yanking the cord and tossing my phone to the…