
Damn, not in my area. I live in a small but densely populated city that is very limiting in the large chain restaurants it allows in, and most of those are along the border streets. There is basically one of each of the major pizza chains, and I swear I pass at least three Domino’s cars making deliveries any time I

I’m dragging along the limping corpse of my S9+ as long it can go, in hopes that they bring back the microSD slot, and the headphone jack would be a bonus. As we see more streaming services taking down content and recognize that previously purchased material may not always be available (and for times when one may not

There’s a restaurant near me that makes bangin’ arepas and pupusas... Might be time for a return visit after reading this.

The WWF/E is very anti-union, and many, if not most of the top guys have no interest in ditching the status quo because they make so much money at the top. Hulk Hogan famously snitched on attempts by Jesse Ventura to establish a union, leading him to leave the company. Ironically, had Hogan had more brains than brawn,

You know, usually I hate the *slaps ____* meme, but this one actually got a solid laugh out of me. So thanks for giving me a nice start to my work week!

He was probably collecting overtime while he was doing it.

I haven’t completely dropped it—I need something to fill the down time at work, after all—but my usage has definitely plummeted. I typically used RIF is Fun on my phone or tablet because I didn’t like the old web design for mobile usage, and I don’t like the new design for anything. Now, instead of checking reddit and

I mean, you’re both right on this. The idea that it takes much competency to download and fill an emulator with ROM files is somewhat laughable, but I’d still rather be able to just pick it up and play.

With Autocado, the process could potentially take half the amount of time, freeing up kitchen staff for other food prep tasks to be fired.

Now playing

On top of being a great show all around, Breaking Bad was at least creative when reusing sound effects—they used the Dean Scream in S1EP6.

I’ve never worked remotely—my job duties mostly precludes it—but I find it very easy to navigate my job without having to be friends with anybody. In my entire organization, the only people I’m actually friends with are the ones I already knew from outside of work. Everyone else is simply a person I know from work.

Everyone knows the proper pronunciation is “sangwich”

I’m eligible and I definitely don’t feel harmed, but fuck ‘em.. I’m taking my $5.50.

The only way in which he’s failing to be a Musk type is that he’s not tanking the value of the company fast enough.

I mean, Errol did once say that Elon got his ask kicked a lot in school but he also deserved it. Which is probably true, but not something you expect to hear from someone who cares even remotely about their kid.

“Fight with words only. In armchairs. Four feet apart. The funniest person wins,” lady Musk tweeted last week

Why couldn’t Musk have been obsessed with the Titanic instead of Mars?

Funny you should say that, because they only began selling them again at select locations in 4 states—West Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and, where I can get them, the midwestern state of Ohio. Even where there is a “bagel culture”, there will always be tourists or transplants, or even people who just like them. Of

Yeah, several frustrating errors in this article. Beginning with the fact that, even though 78 is smaller than 80, going from -80 to -78 is an increase in temperature, not a drop.

Perfectly fair arguments against using it for Eggs McBenny or having the sauce more widely available. All I know is they have the bagels available near me, but the actual bagels are so bad that I don’t ever order one. So I wouldn’t mind being able to get the sauce on something else occasionally, especially the item it