
There are a few ways it could end up on your feed even if you don’t follow it. Someone you do follow could share it on their own page, which is the most likely. A friend could also post it directly to your page (if you allow it) or through messenger (though I don’t know if this would apply to messenger links). It could

I just went to my local market and bought a tray of strawberries (8 pints) for $10. First thing I did when I got home was put the ice cream bowl in the freezer so I can start making some strawberry ice cream tonight using Max Falowitz’ recipe from Serious Eats (link below because I can’t add a formatted link on Kinja

One of the big things I miss about living near Toronto is that Panzerotti were everywhere. Even Pizza Pizza, for crying out loud!

I’m actually kind of surprised that they haven’t started adding the sauce on Egg McMuffins instead of cheese. I know the McMuffin is a monster, as far as sales go, but it exists because they were trying to find a way to make a breakfast sandwich that replicated eggs Benedict. Now that they’ve replicated the sauce in a

I still sub round egg for anything where it’s not standard. The SEC McGriddle with the round egg is amazing. One of the biggest flaws of the app is that you can’t do a straight substitution for a round egg on it, you have to remove the folded egg before adding a round egg for en extra buck or two. The folded egg is

At first I thought that may be something that varies by location, because I’m sure I’ve seen recent video of people making them, but maybe they were older than I realized, or I’m just making that up in my head—McDonald’s USA says they’re prepared and flash frozen by their suppliers then heated up on site.

I was curious about the source, and looked at the other videos on this channel. A lot of Jordan Peterson, alpha male, “high testosterone” douche level stuff. I’m not at all surprised that the above video is a gross distortion and misrepresentation of reality.

How long until there is a statement about how furious Musk is that Zuckerberg is trying to copy the platform that Elon himself birthed and gifted to the world?

Send them both to UFC island and let them slap each other stupid(er).

Poor wording on my part. 90% chance of the flame going out when I turn it down to low, not turning the knob to the off position.

The biggest danger I face from my gas stove is that it sucks and when I try and turn it down to low, I have a 90% chance of it turning off and pumping the room full of unburned gas.

Oh god... I understand (and fully believe!) that everyone eligible should be allowed to seek office, but there really needs to be something done about those doing it solely for the publicity.

Ah, gotcha.

And there is a guy who transforms into what in it? Why?

Have him be like Gyllenhaal’s character in Nightcrawler; starts off a washed-up flop, but manages to luck himself into a couple of bit of exposure that get him gaining some ground, and then have him effectively being a reality TV serial killer or something.

In future discussions about box office, can we just please skip the very boring requirement that a specific set of people who are almost certainly all single guys show up to state how they prefer watching movies at home?

3rd graf of “Heirloom...”:

“How did you know she was a Nazi?”

Claiming options are a pre-paid MC, PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, or direct deposit.

I tweaked my back last week and I’m sitting at work, miserable, after a 4-day weekend that saw it getting better until I had to push my dad around in a wheelchair yesterday for various appointments. Between that, and the general state of the world, it would be easy to sit here and be cynical about this story.