Hadrian McQuaig

Zuckerberg is a pig. He became everything his generations hates. 

shut the fuck up.

The hard data is that LGBTQ+, people of color, women, and whole slew of other smart folks have been driving Disney and Marvel for a long time..... driving success in Georgia. 

Step off Ridley. We don’t need more of what you are doing to story. Yea - *you* made it all about egg monster death.

This is a socialist country, it just a matter of who benefits.

You likely don’t live in LA, you aren’t providing your own equipment, insurance, gas, and pay your own higher 1099 taxes.

When can we expect protests against the massive freaking rent increases every landlord needs to be scratching their balls with lately? Yea, you can make 30 an hour, but can you keep it? 

Way too little. Way too late.

I’m going to imagine its like Arbor Mist, but with a slight Mountain Dew nose to it. 

Amazon needs to recognize that I’m depressed about the lack of security and its dystopian invasion into my home with this barely working but always listening products. They can tell I’m depressed because their products are sitting in a box in the garage. 

She looks like shes got a bunch of those big cartons of Virginia Slims 120s in her freezer at home.

I really like the Peak Design Everyday Sling 10l. I use it for all of my day hiking. The sling is easy to maneuver, tighten and loosen, has reconfigurable space, the zipper can be secured, and it has straps for larger items like tripods, coats, boots, and water bottles.

I really like the Peak Design Everyday Sling 10l. I use it for all of my day hiking. The sling is easy to maneuver,

So far, I am unimpressed with GoT’s last season. It’s right up there with Lost and BSG in disappointment.

I imagine that some folks sit down and when they quiet their minds and have to sort through the decisions and consequences, they simply can’t deal. It’s easier to live a broken life full of hypocrisy, conflicts of interest, and fruitless manipulation that’s screaming over your own self interest, than it is to simply

This should be the first thing to get automated. I don’t thing a robot would get scared of anyone “reaching” for their insurance card.

Anything to keep Trump out of the headlines. 

Using Gangsters Paradise was choice...


I’m so glad I have you that. 

You said “fearmongering” - not me. And you’d have to see comments before mine for context. My comment was an attempt to break the feedback.