Hadrian McQuaig

A lot of assumptions here.

I really dont have time for paranoia.

You are thinking in the box. There was always a path to provide a smart assistant without violating privacy. It was always about the cost and exploitability of it. Privacy isn’t a genie. 

coo story bro


Yea... thanks Captain 20/20!!!

The way this is being downplayed by bots and dummy’s is scary.

Fuck you Trump. Just. Fuck you. I wanna snap and ctrl-z his dumbass.

Don’t fuck with Guillermo Del Toro fans.

All I’m reading, is that Rian Johnson screwed up Star Wars. 

If y’all are still on Facebook, you kinda deserve this. What about anything that’s happened since November 2016 makes Facebook seem like the place to be? a safe place to be? 

Congrats Greenspan. You’re going to kill the whole damn DNA testing industry. I bought a few kits just before this news broke - and now they are all in the garbage. 

Wow.. my home state of Georgia can be really fu*in stupid. I guess it’s time of for Hollywood to come back home to California.

Giz is unusually hard to impress lately. Whatever.

I mean.... isn’t that all we really wanted anyway?

Anyone giving up because Barr said so, is an failing everyone else. Yes we are tired, yes the report was supposed to save us from Trump - sorta, right?

I’ve always wanted a Avenger Babies spin off!

Wait... Shuri was poofed?

Strongly disagree. The album is amazing. Maybe check your speakers... or stop wasting money on vinyl. Some music was never meant to be in the format.

The Surface Pro is kinda like the Palm Pre - “Look at all the cool features (we wanted 5 years ago)!