Hadrian McQuaig

After Allo, Glass, Duo, Lively, Buzz, Wave, Nexus Q, Health, Reader (of course) and whatever the hell Google X was supposed to be... I just don’t care and I just don’t think Google has conviction to see it’s own products through to success.

Whew... that’s a lot of tropage up in those Alien Shorts!

Look, you guys can put out as many long form pieces about this scandal - But “most depraved pieces of news in quite some time” seems like a major overstatement.

Cool blog post bro.

My favorite defense of being inadvertently racist - “whoops, like every american for the last several hundred years, I was raised racist - Thank you for telling me - I’ll do better”

It’s so nice Salad Fingers found a girlfriend. 

delete delete delete do not want go away gross ew.

I didn’t even give the show a chance. I’ve seen tons of wonderful exciting properties torn up by SyFy. They just pick up and throw away ideas without finishing anything they start. Hell, I some how still gave The Expanse a chance and it was once again thrown away (thank you Amazon, I guess?).

They abused our trust and sold it to the highest bidder. The fine should be devastating to the organization. I don’t think it should survive. No business should ever aim to collect,redistribute, and target the personal details of people like this again.

No mention of the FTC recommendation? 

Taxes on rich people like this protect the common man from their corruption.

They are just waiting him out. They can say whatever they want when the guy on the other line is a lame duck - one way or another.

Facebook wasn’t supposed to be making all that money to “listen” - we complained when Facebook released TOS that alarmed us - we spoke up when they removed features and added others that nearly force us to connect to each other - and all screamed in pain when Trump was elected due to misinformation efforts that

No thanks. Unless they can merge it with the new Ghostbusters.

I use PIA, a fairly cheap VPN. Says it’s secure. I mostly use it on my phone to avoid work, my ISP at home, and any hotspots from seeing where I’m browsing. I go to super secret sites like Twitter, Gizmodo, Engadget, CNN, NPR, and fairly innocuous stuff on the surface, but the details of articles, use of comment

You’re probably seeing ads surrounding this story that are targeted to you based on where we think you are, based on your IP address.”

Splinter’s shallow and snarky view of politics is getting old. That’s not even a headline.

No matter what the Democrats did, y’all had an article ready to go to fill the space at Splinter.

This article is “nothcing” 

That’s... that’s it? A blurb about an awesome Christmas tradition in Iceland and a reference to an AP article? That’s what Senior Writers do?