Hadrian McQuaig

Dear Splinter, this “Idiots” list is just plain mean spirited and isn’t helping or informing anyone of anything. It’s just.... gross.

I didn’t realize the “Trump look” was contagious - ew.

The “gig” economy is sham.

No Splinter, we didn’t need that. You can do better.

I hate this corporate ideology - that if it isn’t a super mega epic world-changing smash-hit, then it’s not worth doing. Corporate America does not get push me to work 12 hours a day and demand I spend the rest of my day consuming the products fervently. 

Dear Splinter. I like you guys. But just calling something hell, or awful, or just denigrating anything you have to report on just isn’t working anymore.

Yall are bitter old queens, if you aren’t buying into this masterful zinger.

I’ve seen more convincing CGI in Michael Bay film trailers.

I don’t see a problem here. Trump gets a shiny toy and gets out of the way. The “moderates” who voted for him will see the Democrats as border positive. It’s not the massive super wall and it’s not nothing. It gets the border off the political chess board for a while and gives the Democrats a bargaining chip for

KHII was such a gateway drug to this entire album! The whole thing is classic.

Makeup and greasy genitals.

Tacky. Feels like it should come with a “Fuck the environment” sticker.

It’s also turning into a pretty good replacement for Tumblr. Step off.

Whats with the cat - they went to some trouble so we could see that 00083 tag?

This is the kind of advanced science and technology the people in Trump’s superstitious, scared of their own non-white shadow, rootin’ tootin’ America are keeping us from achieving.

The rhetoric out of Trump against certain individuals has a tone to it. “Those people” that negotiated the Iran Deal.... “Those people” that negotiated NAFTA.... “Those people” who stopped his wall from being built. A separation of “patriots” and “those people” who aren’t - who made the US some how weaker, less

We should all start writing letters - I worry this is a golden age before a major fall.

People also like cigarettes, unprotected sex, and gambling.

Delete Facebook. How’s that for dark mode.

Well.. all hindsight being 20/20 here in the far off year of 2018, we know that the only limit on, was Macromedia Flash.