Hadrian McQuaig

your lack of ZOMBO.COM is disturbing.

Yawn. As a 0/0/0 account, it took you a while to figure out how to comment on Gizmodo. Good luck.

I deleted Facebook last Friday. Good riddance.

The Tea Party stopped mattering once a black man wasn’t POTUS anymore.

Besides the final posting on Gawker, I’ve never ignored an article so hard in my entire life.

Did... they glue that wig on?

Issac Asmiov was also a professor in biochemistry and held a doctorate in philosophy. His ideas have value beyond pithy fiction. They are though exercises that have gotten us pretty far. The illusion of control has encouraged every industry.


When you don’t think you aren’t racist - but then you do something systematically racist - but expected the systematically racist system of sheep to bail you out - but they don’t.

golf clap?

Congrats on getting through an article about the iPhone without “-gate”-ing anything.

Delete Facebook.

Gizmodogate isgate tellinggate megate thatgate mygate applegate phonegate chargergate issuegate willgate getgate agate fixgate soongate.

But are they really? Mine’s doing great.

Getting started now.

I can’t believe public pressure worked!

The Last Jedi broke Star Wars.

Keep swinging!

Ooh gurl - good luck explaining that punchline.

1557 days late? really?