Hadrian McQuaig

Uh oh.... this means is sucks, doesn’t it?

Wait.. isn’t this how The Happening works?

I knew it well - and it sucked. It was like AC 1300 or some ancient bullshit. It had no SNMP or any kind of monitoring functions at all. I finally got tired of waiting last month on Apple and updated to a Linksys AC5400 router - and it was glorious! I can’t believe I bought into Apple’s ecosystem that hard and let

It’s such a tacky indulgent and gaudy project to take on. Apple has a majority of their products that haven’t had an update in years - and we have Sir Jony Ive making $400 dollar books (in two sizes) and Christmas Trees - when he’s not making ASMR-like marketing videos for every mediocre release finally Apple pumps

There’s a reason Steven Moffat was fired.

Call me a traditionalist, but I prefer round gloryholes.

That was the most boring Apple release in memory.

At that price.. the only thing it’s killing is retail inventory space.

I’ve been inside these vans almost as many times as I’ve been inside the close case married daddy bears that drive them.

You all should have been watching WestWorld.

You mean it will be “ALL NEW!! ALL DIFFERENT!!” like its done every. god. damn. year. since they X-Men Omega?

Dammit California.. why you gotta be so complicated.

Where have they gone?

In the old timeline - Xavier died in X-men 3 and transferred himself to the cloned body in a post-credits scene. Maybe that body was younger?

Now playing

For me it was Battlestar Galactica. There was only one love affair that mattered:

It was such an empty hope to think that the acquisition of Star Wars away from Lucas would do away with this kind of tacky crap. That maybe something could be held sacred to help the franchise recover some mystique or sophisticated value.

Government bureaucracy is a good path to follow to destroy expensive shit on purpose. If you are a masochist, I suggest military or other defense work. If you are sadist - try your local DMV.

What till they find out what we are doodling with the writing feature. Are they going to drop out like Nintendo did because of pecker-sketches.

I though the transition to Univision would do away with the disingenuous time waster headlines like this.

It is too early on a Monday morning for this bullshit.