Hadrian McQuaig

Ecco the Dolphin Soundtrack for Sega CD by Spencer Nilsen.

George Carlin is proud. Oh so proud.

Every time I se e "TWC" I think The Weather Channel. And the whole article seems silly.

We gotta start somewhere. EBR-I, the first nuclear power plant, started off powering only four 200watt light bulbs and was soon powering a whole town in Idaho.

Someone logged into Tumblr for the first time today?

When is Michael Bay going to learn that consent is sexy.

Ugh. I'm so over Matt Smith. And I am especially over Steve Moffat and his awful direction. I don't think there has ever been a "lets cry and whine over the loss of the previous doctor" crap we are going to be subjected to.

I'm gonna go buy a PS3 just to spite Microsoft.

My first problem is that there are too many characters and I don't think Fox can pull off what Marvel did with Avengers. But I am very interested in the Sentinel - looks like Techno-organic stuff.

One, Drive Live Drive, Sky Drive, MSN Places, Live Spaces, Bing Wastes, Hotmail, LiveMail, Outlook Mail, Live Search, Bing Search, MSN, Live, Bing, One - There are many reasons no one uses your services Microsoft - Lack of cohesive branding. You change it up every couple of years and users can't keep up. All these

They also want to forget...

We are smart. Make us go.

Adblock that shizzle, homie.

Now playing

Is it wrong I like the Bono version better?

I hate Moffat. Let's get that out of the way. But this episode was horrible, terrible, disgustingly bad.

Behold his MIGHTY HAND!

Make the canned music stop!!!!!

I keep wondering when the encryption revolution will begin. Encrypted disk, encrypted keystrokes, encrypted computer bus, encrypted tcpip, encrypted cloud storage- and in the future - encrypted screens with glasses that decrypt even encrypted memories with wetware.