Hadrian McQuaig

It's like David Morrissey went, "Well, I got passed over to be the 12th Doctor - might as well go back to Walking Dead."

It's the first damn season.

His lip gloss is poppin!!

Homophobic gay bashing police from homophobic gay bashing country sing hit song.

I don't get it.. what is "kay bell"? Like some kind of fax machine?

I heard about this show, but after trying to get into Adventure Time - I was starting to worry that maybe cartoons relevance to my mid-30s life was fading. AT is just so damn random and kookie to the point of nonsensical. I found the entertainment value, but it didn't come easy. The show can almost be painful in its

Sadly, the Star Wars Universe has a deux ex in the Force - the switching of light of dark sides almost acts like a forgive all or damn all - depending on how popular you are with the fans. There are a few examples of people doing horrific things - and because someone brought them back to the light-side of the Force,

There is a Star Wars: Infinites - a slightly altered reimagining of the original trilogy. In the Return of the Jedi at the end, Vader lives - saved and turned back into a Jedi by the combined assault of his son and daughter - but the Emperor escapes. Being all light-sided by The Force and all - Jedi dons white armor.

Can Fox please stop making Xmen movies now? Marvel should just stop approving movies, let the contract expire, and reboot the whole damn thing in one of their future Phases.

Is that a new monitor? I don't think that's a 27in iMac.

Remember that time some Ms Marvel was woo'd, brainwashed, raped, gave birth in just 3-days to her own rapist, married her baby/husband/rapist and lived happily ever after while all the Avengers swooned?

This story gets dug up ever few years. As a big gay guy - I always think it's funny that my feelings towards other men - sexually and an as love interests - is so heinous, so offensive, and somehow destructive that it could be weaponized and used as a threat to whole armies.

The Lions Head Beacon. That is where the show changes and started to lose me. I would take over from there and lead the show to a completely different conclusion.

Now playing

I shall express my joy at reading this article... in song.

Now playing

I think its funny to watch Winter decent across the Eurasian front and see the red recede and regain a little in the summer and fall.

You're thinking 55 Central Park W. It's next to a church.. the one Stay Puft stepped through.

World War Z

I think the entire Beats brand is tacky. After what they did to Monster and the awful quality of their products - and gaudy styling - I have never been a fan.

Were a bunch of Panda-people seen running around the island? If so, STAY AWAY. They will want to you grind out killing monkey-people and helping fish people for at least 4 weeks before they will give you bracers.