Hadrian McQuaig

I am so not interested in the story right now. I just can't wrap my head around the setup. Both Korra's uncle and dad are some kind of Water Tribe royalty even though her dad was banished. Seriously? and the leader of one of the water tribes just happened to have the Avatar as a kid?!! That's weak as hell. Some sort

OK... those kick ass glasses. I want them on my face.

RIGHT??!? I've never had more admins angry at me as when we launched our first 2012 Server and discovered that steaming pile sitting in the corners of our otherwise amazing OS upgrade. I foresee no app ever being installed on Server that uses Modern ever. It's right up there with Microsoft Bob and Active Desktop in

At almost every company I've been at.. I've taken the step of putting the entire IP ranges assigned to China and other network-hostile-countries on black list. Every edge ever. There are even plugins for IIS that will do this automatically. And it's easy to get a list for most firewalls.

What about the gender bending STNG?

Scott Summers meets Jean Grey.

No thanks. While I will love using this to make iTunes purchases other inside-the-OS security features - I will not use it to unlock.

So.. the metaphorical "my penis is bigger than yours" among the countries with their giant sky scrapers holds true. Sure the US has has 18 inches and China build's a 18.25 incher - but at the end of the day, neither one of them are gonna get laid. It's pretty to look at but they are difficult to actually get up and

Why do I get the feeling that it is somehow "okay" or even hot for the girl-doppelgangers to make out, but it would there would be some kind of ick factor if it was a guy-doppelgangers.

I am so over the freak out over colors. It's just such a stupid "feature" to get all excited about. I think it cheapens the brand. I am not excited at all about it. And maybe thats what it's supposed to do - not excite me at all. Maybe I am not the target.

Isn't this the equivelent of Ron Jeremy looking at the young buck porn stars and say - "Oh yea, well I can do this..." and then he bends over and does does his signature auto-fellatio.

OMG the memories. This was my first camera phone. I also got started on heavy text messaging on this phone. I had to completely relearn when I upgraded to a phone with regular number pad.

Can they get back to finishing Sonic 4 Episode III or maybe a Sonic 5... that is actually good and really capture the physics and play of 1-3?


The word "monetization" makes me sick to my stomach.

All of the internet is accessible via Tor. But I don't think Kolab has a .onion address if that's what you're asking.

Once Upon a Time takes place is Storybrooke (like Story Book - see what they did there) - not Storyland.