Hadrian McQuaig

I'm not confident this is what we are seeing. I think Apple will not muddy the waters with a high-end and low-end iPhone. I think we are just going to see an iPhone that was cheaper to make because the manufacturing processes and tech are just easier to make. Apple is just realizing the margins might be a little

Because I work for a certain plastics company - and I love shameless plugs - I feel the need to point out that ours is better. I have one - and it is amazing.

I'm gonna go and be that guy. But - I really do look at this young woman and think that if she'd presented herself and her testimony in court "better" - and shown some respect for the court - the jury might have had a different verdict.

I learned a while back in comics - as soon as someone travels through time - put the comic book down and step away slowly and do not make eye contact. Burn the book. For the next few months, wait patiently for that story arc to be over. Pick up the comic when the next arc begins or it changes hands to a new writer -


There are families like this one all over states like Texas where there's no sex education.

I was really worried about this one too. Like it was going to be green screen cheezy effects and thin predictable story of Disney plugs.

Wait.. did Giz blur the fleshlight after the article went up with it unblurred?! LOL.

Why does every movie Kitt Harington do pretty much become "Kitt Harington is Jon Snow in ______________".

Here is an image of the Evil Koch Empire. It does not include of the Elite John Birch Society country clubs or its McDonalds like franchises of the Tea Party.

Good endings don't take you where you think it is going. This movie started of bad by killing off Hicks and Newt before the end of the credits. Went worse by reminding us how great Aliens was by teasing us with Bishop. Goes south when some how or a-god-damn-nother she gets infected with a queen. There were no eggs on

I wanna see! I like belly and fruit basket shots!

John Williams stuff of course

Dolphins!... in Spaaaaaace.

Agreed. I've always envisioned a sort of Tales from the Crypt type show with WWZ's world. Where the UN Post War Commission writer gives and intro and narration and guest stars play the story out of each chapter - slowly weaving a global story. I don't believe Brad Pitt's Plan B Entertainment actually read the book.

This movie has a lot of bodies in it. Worst among them was Matt LeBlanc. This was in middle years of Friends - so no one really knew how awful he was. This movie sealed the deal. And a bunch of other young actors too.

I've re-read this article a few times. It makes me kinda barf a bit, Giz. Seriously - you guys turned on it so damned fast. It's just a pot-stirring article. It depends on so many other if-and-or-buts and assumptions about Microsoft an its internal workings.

I guess Microsoft pulled a 360... huh.. yea?... Yea?! Yes, I know it's a 180, shaddup.

It needed another wedding to balance the season out better.

Nightmare Cafe - because it was smart, funny, made sense, and had freaking Freddy Kruger in it. A show ahead of its time.