Hadrian McQuaig

If they were smart - and they who is at Microsoft - They would use price as the spin on the whole DRM thing. "Hey trading the game will be a pain in the ass - if even possible - but it games now only cost 40 bucks!"

I think this machine is beautiful. It's has Job's failed Mac Cube written all over it. And I want one.

I'd consider myself an Xbox fan-boy... at least till last week when news about Xbox's unfriendly new policies about sharing came to light.

Microsoft is locking it down so hard with DRM I am just not interested anymore. I've outgrown the need to put up with the gaming industry's anti-consumer practices to play the franchises I love.

I heard once that all cats have the same look on their face - that look says, "If I were bigger, I would eat you." Thanks Australia.

This show has expertly crafted the villains and built them up over the last 3 seasons. I keep watching and patiently waiting for them to get their comeuppance in any small way possible. And the show gives it to you in weird ways. Last season, I imagine a lot of folks hated Theon Greyjoy last season - and this season a

I miss the Jame Horner scores. Kirk's Reply from Star Trek II and Stealing the Enterprise from Star Trek III come to mind. But Giacchino does a great job of continuing the legacy of amazing Star Trek scores. It is a big sound with a lot of layers.

Cute cubby Nicolas Bro naked? or.. sorta.. digitally imposed naked? - yes please!?! I just hope they match with someone who can rival is uncut Danishness.

And guess where they can dump the leftovers and waste when they move thefactory onto a boat? Go on... guess...

Now playing

This was THE scene of Iron Giant. This is where it changes from sticky sweet retro scifi camp kids movie into ZOMG THIS THING IS WAY MORE ADVANCED THAN US AND WILL KILL US ALL. The theater was just silent and slack jawed. We just didn't see it coming.

Where: Orlando, Florida

As despicable as this is - the 5th amendment protects everyone from self incrimination, regardless of the moral standing. Like most of the Constitution and its Amendments - all it takes is a single crack to start a bonanza of "what ifs" and "what abouts" to nullifying it completely.

Kinda reminds me of the ablative plating Voyager got in the final episode.

I don't recall ever seeing "Foot Binding Barbie."

I don't recall ever seeing "Foot Binding Barbie."

I still have to ask.. why are their Symbol Scanners all over the place pointed at the view screen?

On other thing I noticed in the game that shocked and intrigued me - at the beginning of the game at the fair just before you get the Possession Vigor - off to the right of the gate there is lone NPC.

I like the Hans Zimmer score for this. Glad they ditched the old Williams tune.

Advanced mode: Play two of em a the same time. It's called North Tower - South Tower!