Hadrian McQuaig

I work for a plastics company... I see this as the next coming Napster-like war and I don't see how this company is going to survive. We take a dollars worth of plastic, mold it into a bowl, and sell it for 30 bucks. Someone buys it and scans it and puts it on Thingaverse and next thing you know everyone can print it

The cyborg transformation scene from Superman III genuinely frightened me as a child. The screams coming from actress Pamela Stephenson and the needles and sparks in the crush of hardware... it was more out of a horror movie than superhero.

This is an M41A pulse rifle. Ten millimeter with over-and-under thirty millimeter pump action grenade launcher. Feel the weight.

So Victor Von Doom goes into space.. and comes back a drag queen channeling SHODAN?

Now all we need is some infantry guy from Russia saying "I'm from Chelyabinski, and I say KILL EM ALL!"

Apple won't embrace jailbreak culture because the appstore infrastructure will suffer. In short - they don't want us to be app thieves like a lot of Android users are. They also like to quality control a the experience - for good or evil.

Why is this news? Every jailbreak has been patched since 2007, forcing developers to find new holes to insert their wares. Don't upgrade to the newest version if you are JB'd.. sure.. also not news.

No. iOS has controls right from the lock screen. The controls work with apps too.


I'm more worried about the other charges and fees.. Being forced into unlimited text messages by AT&T.. Now rumors of a charge for Facetime over 3G.. making me pay to use a Microcell on my data connection that saves them money.

I had a Cingular 8125 - AKA HTC Wizard.

is.. is that Terrance Stamp?!

Yea.. speaking of "horrendous introduction animations that you just can't skip," thanks for the new "This story will display in 30 seconds..." Flash grey-out, Giz. I'm sure y'all are looking forward to us uninstalling Adobe.


When is there gonna be a "win a date" with Joel Johnson? Sooo cute!