
I hope you constantly reminded them that it’s not an Eastern city.

I spent three years of grad school in The Lou. It was a good time, except for the crap they brazenly refer to as “pizza.”

[extremely Attenborough voice] and so the Predator becomes... the prey

Cradle of coaches strikes again

+50 lbs of ammonium nitrate

did you know Tom Brady was drafted in the sixth round

Have you no shame?

I’m just glad he was able to get his life back together after losing to Daniel LaRusso in that big karate tournament all those years ago.

I was a minute late, damnit...

I think you put a typo in there by mistake. It’s supposed to a “USA: Blacks out theme night”

Give the guy a break. Things have gotten real tight now that he can’t just use his charity as a front.

A couple of D.C. fast food joints got some really expensive “I.O.U.”s.

His pregnant wife would have told him not to waste beer while she handed him a battery.

You mean a Hail Gritty.

Anyone voting for anyone other than Snyder to begin with doesn’t deserve a vote.

(please do not fuck the doll)

Fuck you for making me laugh at that. Take your star, I hope your soul was worth it.

Thanks Dave McKenna for doing what the Washington Post and Washington Times couldn’t or wouldn’t do - begin to tell the real story. As someone who worked in the GW Athletic Dept for years, including during the Nero debacle, it was obvious to all at GW what a prick Nero was. During the months of May through July 2016,

Nero took the GW fight song line “Hail to the Buff” a bit too seriously.