The only thing she’s ever blown is a 28-3 lead.
The only thing she’s ever blown is a 28-3 lead.
“Siri, who holds the Midwest League hitting streak record?”
Thank you Torch for adding some absurdity and not making me fall asleep reading this one. Especially since I pretty much consider CUVs and SUVs to be “the enemy” as an enthusiast.
Marlins Park
This isn’t the end of the NBA or anything. They’ll be dominant, barring terrible injury luck, for a couple of years ... just like Jordan’s Bulls, Shaq/Kobe’s Lakers, Bird’s Celtics, etc. Then their old guys will be too old, and a younger guy or two will depart, and they won’t be able to easily rebuild a super-team.
You libtards say there’s no liberal bias, well then how come they let Obama go on TV and pick his brackets, but funny I don’t recall them letting Trump do it? He went 63-0 too. #facts
How the fuck is Kawhi landing on Zaza’s foot ‘Zaza Pachulia came down hard on Kawhi Leonard’s foot’?
Nobody says ‘there’s more left in the tank’ without cutting Sam Hinkie a royalty check.
Imagine a player with the head of a very smart kind of elephant and the body of, well, also an elephant but FAST! Now imagine a man who is half goat and he has hooks for hands. That’s crazy! Why not? Why can’t I have hooks for hands and live in the sewer? I’m just saying there’s no real reason why not. Cam Newton. Tom…
And people laughed at me for not dropping him from my fantasy team.
Oh sure, I bet you think all CEOs look alike.
he is pitching catching and playing Outfield and he didn’t try as hard as you did with that lame-ass joke
Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.
Do you even Crossfit, bruh?
Do you even Crossfit, bruh?
If someone was Gluten Free, a Vegan and also used a DE Safety Razor which one would they be dying to tell you about first?
If someone was Gluten Free, a Vegan and also used a DE Safety Razor which one would they be dying to tell you about…
I recently discovered it and it is wonderful and a breath of fresh air from the usual car shows. Really, Mr. Torchinsky nails it. Mr China will sit down on the show and go over step by step what is needed to fix a particular piece of a car. This clip is a great example of his work: how to replace the drive motor on an…
Eww, no. Gross. I stand up, like every other normal person on this planet.