
Every time I replace a clutch in a vehicle I say “THAT is the LAST time I EVER touch a transmission related job!”.

Why is the word “Limited” allowed anywhere near a truck of any size? I know they’re referencing a trim level of interior goodies, but I can’t help but look at it and think that the trucks’ abilities are not quite what they should be. It sure as hell doesn’t mean that it’s a limited quantity, Ford will build and sell

Bad idea putting ethics in the hands of government. They ALWAYS fuck that one up.

How long do we have to wait for the inevitable 2 year old tweet to surface where Trump emphasizes the need for justice because of lack of proper security protocols? I sure hope the next prophetic tweet involves either an impeachment or assassination.

Great story. Addictions take all kinds of forms. Odd man that Terrance, but you can say that about most BMW fanatics. Nice cars, but they’re far from the only nice ones out there.

Chrysler/Dodge deserves a death worse than Pontiac. They have been the shit end of the stick in almost every way for their entire existence. Good riddance.

Corona, like the Fast franchise, is completely devoid of depth and yet still successfully panders to the masses. Fuck the masses are dumb. This is why we can’t have nice things people, terrible beer and even worse movies make too many simpletons happy.

Winter. Waaaay north Alberta. Everything is white, including the bunny I originally mistook for a snowball in the middle of the sheet of snow and ice that is a Canadian 2 lane highway. Until it moved.