
I gotta say: I'm from Seattle and medium-familiar with the drag scene these days, and I even like Robbie Turner (she's very naturally funny onstage), but: when I heard Turner was cast on Drag Race, I kind of cringed. After Jinkx and Ben DeLaCreme, Robbie Turner on Drag Race is just going to seal Seattle's rep for

His show wasn't canceled because he used the word thinspiration. It was canceled because he called a person a cunt and told her to kill herself.

…just stop.

It's pretty funny how you're complaining about me being unkind to you, when you came here to complain to a bunch of strangers about how ugly you think someone is.
Don't "internet" this. Dude, you ARE what's wrong with the internet.

Why do you assume everyone else thinks she looks bad in the bikini? I thought she looked pretty great. Not everyone likes the same thing, and it is weird to have to explain that to a person over the age of five.

Nitpick: Jessa's not-dead friend's name is Season, not Susan.